Dear reader, if you have missed the article on "A slow month savoir strategy" - you may review
it here.
Secret # 1 of designing irresistible offer that sells to your best customer
My friend and I have a tradition - every Friday night,
after the children are in bed, we go out for couple of
drinks and then play pool or watch a movie at the cinema.
One night we met before 7 p.m. at the nice local
pub. We figured that if we went down there before 8 p.m.
it'll be less crowded and the band wouldn’t have started to play yet, so
we'd have a chance to talk.
The place was packed... "Doesn't make sense - too early for
this" - I thought and then I saw why - it was because of
the waitresses.
We've never seen them before -- two immaculate looking
ladies dressed up in ...hmmm bikinis and high heels -
gracefully walking around, serving drinks. Unfortunately
to patron's dismay, sweet couple had disappeared at 7:15,
leaving everyone discussing their appearance.
Marketing lesson? Think about it:
1. How can you earn more from busy enough pub?
@ By making it busier during "low" hours - that is 5-7 PM
(I'm not talking morning or during the day - I'm sure that
not many of you are keen on going to the pub during these
2. Who are my patrons?
@ 80% males aged between 25-65
3. Why are they going to pub?
@ Silly question, heh? To buzz up - true! What else? Talk,
find a date, catch-up with friends... Entertainment!
4. How to get the cheapest medium - WOM - word-of-mouth to
work for your pub?
@ Create an incredible event - something no one else does.
Be different - so that everyone talks about you.
Be outrageous, provide ultimate entertainment - that cost
almost nothing.
Of course, the drinks were purchased at a double rate from
the beautiful waitresses in exchange for getting a
chance to talk to them.
Well... guess what the pub's patrons are going to
talk about the next day with their friends - you are right - that
magical experience at the pub:
"But you have to get there earlier, as the ladies are gone
after 7 p.m... and only on Tuesday or Thursday"
Not only are they going to change their usual habit and visit
that pub outside of their normal pattern, but now they are
curious - expectation fuels the desire to be entertained.
Next week, same day place is packed - this is a great
example of kiwi ingenuity - "low" hours converted into "high"
hours in the matter of one week.
Let's analyse the cost - to place an ad in the newspaper,
let's say 10 x 15 cm - will cost you around $300. How many
leads, not to mention converted sales will you get -
A 1ittle bird told me that two ladies have happi1y earned a
whooping $100 each for 2 hours of waiting. That is $200 for
the establishment. In one week they have doubled number of
patrons during specifically targeted hours.
You might say - "Well I'm not running a pub - my
business is a boring fruit and veges shop, I can't get my
patrons excited..." - wanna bet?
Here's a great example of being different:
Why will I do business with YOUR business?
Because YOU are different from your competition and I'm
curious enough to at least check out the difference.
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